November 29, 2022

Why You Shouldn’t Get An Invisible Fence For Your Dog

“Invisible” fences are a popular fencing choice for Indiana homeowners who have dogs. They like them because they are cheap, easy to maintain, and they keep their dog from roaming. But the truth is, this type of fence is not always a good idea, or even a safe one. In fact, there are a lot of reasons why you shouldn’t get an invisible fence for your dog. Read on to learn what those are, as well as find out what the alternatives are.

Family enjoying their fenced-in backyard with their dog in Indiana

What Is An Invisible Fence?

An invisible fence is not really a fence in the sense that we typically think of it. It’s actually a system of wires, a transmitter, and a shock collar. The wires are buried underground along the perimeter of your property (or whatever serves as the boundary you don’t want your dog to cross). The transmitter is kept in a safe place nearby, such as your garage, and the collar goes around the dog’s neck.

Whenever your dog approaches the buried wires, the transmitter sends a signal to your dog’s collar. This signal is audible and makes a beeping sound. If the dog doesn’t turn around and move away from the boundary, the collar gives the dog a small electric shock.

In this way, invisible fences will, theoretically, train your dog to stay in a certain area of your property. They will learn not to cross the boundaries you’ve set because they want to avoid getting shocked by their collar.

Invisible Fence Problems

We slipped in the word, “theoretically,” in the last section because invisible fences can actually cause a lot of problems, for both you and your dog. Here are the most important ones.

They Can Injure Your Dog

The shock collars used in the invisible fence system can injure your dog if you’re not diligent about removing it when they’re not outside. The collar is equipped with two metal prongs that deliver the electric shock, but they must be in contact with your dog’s skin to work.

As a result of the close contact, your dog will often develop sores, which often require medication to treat. The more your dog wears the collar, the worse these injuries may become.

They Can Cause Behavioral Issues In Your Dog

Some dogs develop behavioral issues as a result of being shocked.

For example, while you hope that they associate the electric shock with getting too close to the edge of your property, your dog may link it to something else. It could be a vehicle passing by or even a specific person. This may make them become fearful, anxious, or worse, aggressive around whatever it is that they’ve decided is the trigger for the electric shock.

Dogs can also experience generalized anxiety, which is anxiety with no specific trigger, simply from being shocked all the time.

They Don’t Always Work

Invisible fences are not the most reliable systems for keeping your dogs from going where they’re not supposed to go.

For example, some dogs are too motivated or energetic to be stopped from roaming by a small electric shock. Chasing the occasional rabbit across the road may be worth a shock for some dogs. Others are smart enough to wait for the batteries to run out on their collars and then go wherever they please after that.

They Don’t Prevent Trespassers And Other Animals From Entering Your Property

Aside from their ineffectiveness and their potentially negative impact on dogs, another problem with invisible fences is that they offer zero protection for your property or your dog.

Unlike traditional fences that will create add a layer physical security for your animal and your home, invisible fences will do the opposite. Since a trespasser or a predatory animal – like a coyote – won’t be wearing a shock collar, there’s no way for you to prevent them from going where they like and potentially harming or stealing your furry loved one. This could leave your dog a sitting duck for predators with no way to escape without getting shocked.

Why Is a Traditional Fence Better Than An Invisible Fence For Your Dog?

Instead of purchasing an invisible fence system for your dog, we recommend installing a traditional fence. The type of fencing best for you and your dog will ultimately depend on your personal preference for your home’s appearance, size of your dog, and your budget. The most common fence that we recommend for homeowners with dogs are privacy fences made of either vinyl or wood. For a more budget-friendly option, you could go for a chain link fence.

Regardless of your specific needs, here are three major reasons why a traditional fence is a great alternative to invisible fencing.

Keep Your Dog Contained, Safely.

The sole function of invisible fences is to keep your dog within the boundary you set for them. As discussed earlier, in practice, invisible fences can fall short of that goal. With a professionally built traditional fence, your pet will stay contained without risking their injury. They won’t have to be tied up or tethered, nor will you have to shock train them. They can run freely within the bounds of your fenced-in property.

It will also make it more difficult for people and animals to trespass onto your property without your knowledge or permission. All this means that you’ll finally be able to rest easy knowing they are safe, secure, and happy on your property. No more worrying about other animals picking fights with pets or the jealous passerby walking away with your dog.

Increase You and Your Family’s Privacy and Security, Not Just Your Dogs!

Making sure your dog doesn’t leave your yard may be your first priority with fencing, but what about your other priorities? If you value your privacy and security, then a traditional fence is a far better option than an invisible fence. Unlike the latter, a traditional fence creates a physical barrier to help block strangers or animals from entering your property, as well as, keeps small children from running off as they play freely outside.

If you elect to build a privacy fence, as many dog owners do, you also get the added benefit of keeping nosey neighbors and onlookers from seeing what you are up to.

Increase the Curb-Appeal of your property

One of the major reasons that homeowners opt for fencing their properties is to elevate the appearance of their homes. Since invisible fences are “invisible,” you don’t get this added benefit with your investment. By choosing a traditional fence you will still corral and protect your dog while also significantly improving the curb-appeal of your property.


While an invisible fence is cheap and requires zero maintenance, it doesn’t always do a great job of keeping your dog safe or secure. Moreover, it doesn’t provide any privacy or security.

A traditional fence can solve all these problems and even prevent your dog from leaving your property, without the use of electrical shocks.

Interested In A Traditional Fence Instead Of An Invisible Fence? Get A Free Quote From ARK Fencing

If you’re interested in a reliable fence for your yard or property in southern Indiana, there’s no better expert to trust than ARK Fencing! Click here to get your free quote today.